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6 de diciembre, OXNARD: Marchamos unidos con Ayotzinapa y Ferguson!

Alexander Mora Venacio no ha muerto, nosotros en Oxnard,California esta noche fuimos el fruto de el y de los 42 desaparecidos, hoy la sangre se sembró por todo el mundo, hay sin duda alguna mas demostraciones de dignidad convertidas en rabia hoy en las calles gritando el nombre de Alexander Mora Venancio. de Eric Garner y de Michael Brown victimas de la brutalidad creada por el estado. Hoy las voces de Alexander de Ayotzinapa, Eric de New York, Michael de Ferguson y todos las victimas de Oxnard, atraviesan las fronteras y siembran rebeldía! VIVOS LOS LLEVAN, VIVOS LOS QUEREMOS!!

The normalista Alexander Mora Venacio is now confirmed to be dead; on the night of Dec. 6, 2014, we in Oxnard, California were the fruit of Alexander and the 42 missing, and their spilled blood continues to plant seeds worldwide. Currently the USA and Mexico are undergoing waves of protests where dignity is transforming into rage as streets echo with the shouted names of Mora Venancio, Eric Garner, Michael Brown, and countless victims of brutality created by the state. The voices representing Alexander from Ayotzinapa, Eric of NYC, Michael in Ferguson, and the victims of police brutality in Oxnard are the voices that are connecting communities across borders, and are guaranteed to bear even greater fruit throughout our neighborhoods.

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